Panic Attack Overview

Panic attacks, sometimes referred to as anxiety attacks, are characterised by sudden, unexpected bouts of acute and debilitating anxiety, which are often accompanied by distressing physical symptoms. These physical symptoms can be so severe, that it is not uncommon for first time sufferers to believe that they are experiencing a heart attack or a nervous breakdown. Over time, panic attacks can become more frequent, and the fear of suffering from a panic attack becomes embedded, resulting in what can feel like a ‘vicious circle’. Panic attacks sometimes occurs as a part of another disorder, like depression, panic disorder or agoraphobia. If left untreated anxiety and panic attacks can lead to a loss in quality of life as the sufferer feels more and more restricted by what is deemed ‘safe’.


The signs and symptoms come on suddenly and reach a peak within 10 minutes and usually last for about half an hour or so before fading away. Panic attacks can result in a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms which can vary from person to person. Many sufferers report feeling a complete loss of control and feeling as though they are trapped, or are unable to free themselves from a certain situation. Panic attacks can also be accompanied by an immediate onset of a range of severe physical symptoms, which may include:

  • Feeling faint, dizzy or light-headed
  • Feeling nauseous, abdominal discomfort
  • Chest pains and shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations, hyperventilating
  • Fluctuating body temperature
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Feeling unreal and detached from surroundings
  • Experience weakness of the limbs
  • Have trouble seeing
  • Believe that they are in serious danger
  • Fear of having a heart attack, of dying or going mad

Online Treatment

What type of treatment you require depends on how often you get the attacks, how bad they are and how it affects your life. Therefore, it is important to have an assessment to decide what treatment is best for you. By working together with our online expert, you can learn to alter these negative thought patterns which would have a positive impact on your feelings. It is important to recognise that without expert support, your panic attacks may become worse and more frequent over time, and can continue to have a disruptive impact on multiple areas of your life including your ability to function effectively, your relationships with others, your performance at work at school, your hobbies and social life, as well as your physical and psychological wellbeing. Therefore, whilst seeking help for your panic attacks may seem to be a daunting prospect, it is likely to be a crucial step in helping you to overcome your panic attacks and improve your quality of life. 

We use proven strategies to help you to overcome panic and anxiety. Specifically we can help you to understand the science of these frightening physical symptoms and the reasons why you are experiencing them. This online treatment will help you to see the biological purpose of panic and learn ways of managing and reducing the impact it has on your life. Ultimately we will support you to overcome anxiety and your fear of panic attacks and re-discover your ability to cope.